elope in madrid crystal palace elopement couple eloping spain photographer

It’s truly a beautiful thing to witness an elopement, and this one in Retiro Rose Garden in Madrid we not only got to witness but capture photos of it too.

Adam and Jodie planned their elopement with just a select few of their friends and family standing beside them. In short, it was absolutely beautiful. There was no frenzy, or getting lost in the whirlwind of the day. It was just about them, and therefore, it was so much more special.

After shooting this Retiro rose garden elopement in Madrid, we have found elopements to be our favourite to witness and photograph. They offer so much more intimacy than a big, traditional wedding.

Elopements in Madrid, and Worldwide.

Because of this, we have put elopements at the top of our priorities this coming booking year!  There’s something incredibly sacred about just the handful of closest people to you standing with you while you say your vows. It’s a party without the tacky traditions or expectations of others. In other words, doing things exactly how you want.

Thank you, Jodie and Adam, for letting us be a part of your story! We’re so glad we got to meet you!

With love, Jake + Genessa